Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Tree for Logan

On Thursday, March 20th a tree was planted in the Kindergarten Yard of Live Oak Elementary where Logan went, and where Tori currently attends. On Wednesday, March 26th the school held a dedication ceremony and a time of celebrating Logan's life. Logan's K teacher and Tori's current K teacher Mrs. Robin Peters orchestrated the whole event. It was very special and emotional as many of our neighbors and friends from Live Oak were in attendance. Mrs. Siemens the principal said a few words and then Mrs. Peters talked about Logan and how special she was to her. She then called Tori and Braelyn up and spoke to them about their sister and how each of them reminds her of Logan in little ways. She presented them with little heart necklaces that had Logan's name engraved on them. Next, all the children in attendance were able to draw pictures and write notes to Logan that were attached to balloons. They released all the balloons and finished the time off with cookies and juice. The tree is a crate myrtle tree ( not sure how to spell that) and will bloom pink flowers. It's in a location that we can even see it from our house. At the time of the pictures the tree did not have much on it yet, but just the other day Tori noticed "green leaves" on it as we were driving by. It's cute because Tori gets to tell all her friends about the tree and about her big sister Logan. We were so thankful for the dedication and for all the love and support of our community. Mrs. Peters is the best teacher ever. She loves the Lord and is always so bold to share her love for Christ and her hope of seeing Logan again in heaven. We are so thankful for the blessing she is to our family and to our girls.

Logan now has two trees. One here at her school, and there is also one at The Master's College right by the athletic department where Daniel works. Both great reminders of our precious girls and great reminders to persevere and serve until we are called home as well! Hope you enjoy the pictures!


Kelli I. said...

I wasn't expecting to shed tears this early in the morning! I am so happy that I read your blog today and got to see the pictures of the tree dedication in honor of your sweet Logan. What a wonderful time it must have been for you all and I love that you can see the tree from your house. With each new leaf and flower that blooms, so many people will be thinking of Logan and the race that she fought and the wonderful life she now lives with her Savior. Thank you, Cindy for always sharing your heart. Your words always encourage me to press on in this life, to love my children more each day and to remember the promise of eternal life.

With love,

Wendy Penberthy said...

WOW Cindy, that was amazing. I loved that whole story and like Kelli, I cried.... that is really neat! Thanks for sharing that story...

Anonymous said...

Cindy and Family- Wow, is right. My heart falls deep seeing the dedication, but then reading your words, I remember how strong you and your family are and it gives me stregnth to be strong with my thoughts. God has shined on all of us, and I thank you for allowing us to be part in remembering your Logan. I am deeply touched by seeing your family and knowing how united you are by the Lord. God Bless and hold you. Jeannie McCoy

Chris and Georg said...

Thanks for sharing such a great moment and wonderful! I love that you can see it from your house.